What does Denyse O'Leary has to say about Yahya? Well, here she is at Uncommon Descent:
I became interested years ago when a Turkish friend kindly sent me a number of the books produced by Adnan Oktar and his associates, under the pen name Harun Yahya. I finally got a chance to correspond with him. Here are his responses to my questions. (I will also shortly post a review of Evolution Deceit, the most succinct and comprehensive of the critiques of overblown claims for Darwinian evolution that I have ever read.)Hmm...can't wait to read her review. This is just like an astrologer reviewing the scientific validity of a psychic. For the interview itself, there is nothing really new. However, given Harun Yahya's strong anti-ID stance, I was curious to see his response on that matter. So ready? Here is the question and his response:
O’LEARY: How do you see the intelligent design controversy playing out in Turkish culture today?
ADNAN OKTAR: The number of people in Turkey who believe in Darwinism has fallen almost to nothing over the last 30 years. Turkey is the country with the lowest level of belief in Darwinism in the world, because the Turkish people are highly intelligent and foresighted.There has been a huge intellectual struggle going on in Turkey for the last 30 years, millions of works have become accessible to everyone, more than 2000 conferences have been held and, most important of all, people have seen fossils at exhibitions with their own eyes. They have personally witnessed how there is no difference between life forms dating back 100 or 200 million years and life forms of today. There is no need to say anything more.
If a life form has remained unchanged for tens of millions of years, if it possesses the same characteristics today as it did 200 million years ago, then it is impossible to speak of evolution. That is why people in Turkey are fully aware. Nobody can easily deceive the Turkish public with Darwinist lies any more.
If you are thinking, what does this answer has to do with the question, don't worry, you are not alone. This really is a non-answer. Let me bring you up to date with Yahya's actual views about ID (also see this post at Darwinian Conservatism). Here are some excerpts from his website article, The "Intelligent Design" Distraction:
To put forward any claim of "intelligent design," while ignoring the existence of Allah (He is surely beyond that) is exceedingly irrational and illogical.
After a moment's reflection, anyone of normal intelligence and possessed of a conscience will understand that if the perfection in the universe appears to have been designed, then the Creator of that perfection can be none other than Allah.
He will see that all entities in the universe, living or otherwise, are manifestations of Allah's infinite wisdom, knowledge, might, and creative artistry.
In consequence, he will say, "Allah exists; Allah created" rather than "There is intelligent design," or "There exists an intelligent power."
As we know, the pagans in pre-Islamic Mecca attached the names of Allah to statues they carved out of stone and wood and took these as their idols.
They maintained that these idols--to which they attached such names as al-Lat, Manat and al-'Uzza--had created them, had provided for them and had power to protect them. In short, they ascribed partners to Allah by ascribing His attributes to them.
Today, similarly, some people are trying to turn others away from a belief in Allah by imposing His superior attributes onto such abstract concepts as "intelligent design" and "intelligent power." This is virtually the same as adopting an idol by the name of Intelligent Design.
and, of course, one cannot leave the freemasons out of this (for your amusement, one of Yahya's friends also inquired about my connections to the freemasons):
Freemasons, using the same logic, maintain in their writings that a "total power" or "a consciousness" directs the universe, but what they are referring to is definitely not Allah (Allah forbid).
Obviously, the "intelligent design" adherents are employing exactly the same logic as that to be found in Masonic accounts.
Wait a minute. I always knew Bill Dembski was hiding something. OMG! He is a freemason. This explains so much about him. Oh, hold on. Yahya has more to say who is really behind "Intelligent Design":
"Intelligent Design" Is Another of Satan's Distractions
In rejecting one false claim such as evolution, one must be very careful not to fall prey to another of Satan's snares. One of Satan's main objectives is to prevent the recognition of Allah by any means possible, and to cause people to ignore His remembrance.
There are those whom Satan has not been able to deceive with the concept of evolution. But if he can divert them in another direction, such as that of "intelligent design" he will again have achieved his end, in turning people away from remembering Allah.
How Satan manages to appear in the name of truth and causes people to deviate by obstructing truth is revealed in the Qur'an:
He [Satan] said: "By Your misguidance of me, I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path. Then I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left. You will not find most of them thankful." (Qur'an, 7:16-17)
It should be known that overturning the theory of evolution and revealing the "chance" mindset as invalid both demonstrate the existence of Allah, by Whom everything was created, and not of "intelligent design."
To say, "If there is no evolution, then there is intelligent design" is nothing less than adopting yet another false idol to replace the one of evolution.
Wait a minute. Now I'm confused. Is Bill Dembski a freamason or Satan? Or both?? This is an important question, and I think we should not take this lightly. I think we need a journalist to resolve this properly. Someone please call Denyse O'Leary. I've heard she is very good in sorting out issues that have little connection to the real world.
This reminds me of H. Allen Orr in Boston Review:
All this is obvious. What is less obvious is that these new-wave anti-evolutionists disagree among themselves on just about everything. They don't go out of their way to broadcast this fact, but take a look: Behe thinks the primordial cell was designed, but that old-fashioned evolution took over from there, producing all the species we now see. But Johnson questions almost all evolution, including common descent and the fossil record that Behe trusts. Behe thinks the data point to an intelligent Designer, while Berlinski claims he's no creationist, he merely questions the sufficiency of Darwinism. Similarly, Behe has no problem with natural selection, while Berlinski seems to have no problem with anything but natural selection.The disagreement between Oktar and O'Leary should have been clear to her from before they actually met. Then, it would seem that some (e.g. O'Leary, Johnson) thinks that any united front against evolution is a good one. Either that, or she is as thick as I suspect.
Freemasons, using the same logic, maintain in their writings that a "total power" or "a consciousness" directs the universe, but what they are referring to is definitely not Allah (Allah forbid).
Next time, try doing a little research.
"The disagreement between Oktar and O'Leary should have been clear to her from before they actually met. Then, it would seem that some (e.g. O'Leary, Johnson) thinks that any united front against evolution is a good one. Either that, or she is as thick as I suspect."
I think its a combination of both. But a united front argument could still have been made by O'Leary without finding Yahya's book "the most succinct and comprehensive of the critiques of overblown claims for Darwinian evolution that I have ever read." If there was ever any doubt, this truly exposes her intellectual caliber.
Thanks for the link to the Boston Review article.
Harun yahya's intellectual works have defeated all the irreligious ideologies....so SALMAN dont waste your valuable time writting against Harun Yahya.
"Someone please call Denyse O'Leary. I've heard she is very good in sorting out issues that have little connection to the real world."
You got that right. She's as out of it as Adnan Oktar and his cronies (this means you Jamshed Moidu).
Albert Tatlock;)
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