by Salman Hameed
Our next SSiMS talk is on Monday by Stefano Bigliardi. He will be talking about his book, Islam and the Quest for Modern Science, in which he interviews various contemporary Muslim figures who are all approaching Islam and modern science from different perspectives. Here is the title and abstract for Stefano's talk:
Abstract: Drawing upon the research that resulted in his monograph, Islam and the Quest for Modern Science (Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2014), Bigliardi will describe the complex landscape of the contemporary debate over the harmony of Islam and science. He will discuss the definition of the so-called “new generation”, i.e., a group of authors with a strong background in the natural sciences who seemingly refuse to find “scientific notions” in the Qur’an as well as any “Islamization” of the scientific method, while they accept biological evolution.
Biographical Statement: Bigliardi obtained a PhD in Philosophy of Science (2008) at the University
of Bologna in a joint supervision with the University of Konstanz (Germany) with a thesis about the concept of belief. His postdoctoral research complemented a Western/ analytical philosophical outlook with the study of Islam. His project was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Konstanz, Germany. He later joined the faculty of CMES (Center for Middle Eastern Studies) at Lund University, where he served as a researcher and a lecturer. He currently serves as a philosophy teacher at Tec de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, Mexico City.
This talk is hosted by the Hampshire College Center for the Study of Science in Muslim Societies (SSiMS).
Our next SSiMS talk is on Monday by Stefano Bigliardi. He will be talking about his book, Islam and the Quest for Modern Science, in which he interviews various contemporary Muslim figures who are all approaching Islam and modern science from different perspectives. Here is the title and abstract for Stefano's talk:
My Quest for Islam and Modern Science: Challenges, Results and Prospects
by Dr. Stefano Bigliardi
Tec de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico.
Monday, December 1st at 4:00pm in East Lecture Hall, Franklin Patterson Hall (FPH)
Hampshire College
Abstract: Drawing upon the research that resulted in his monograph, Islam and the Quest for Modern Science (Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2014), Bigliardi will describe the complex landscape of the contemporary debate over the harmony of Islam and science. He will discuss the definition of the so-called “new generation”, i.e., a group of authors with a strong background in the natural sciences who seemingly refuse to find “scientific notions” in the Qur’an as well as any “Islamization” of the scientific method, while they accept biological evolution.
Biographical Statement: Bigliardi obtained a PhD in Philosophy of Science (2008) at the University

This talk is hosted by the Hampshire College Center for the Study of Science in Muslim Societies (SSiMS).