Friday, October 28, 2011

Film Autopsy of "Project Nim"

by Salman Hameed

Last year, Kevin Anderson and I had started a series of film autopsies of films (for example, see autopsy of "Splice" here and "Inception" here) . Well, Film Autopsy is back! And now it's high-tech with the help of Smith College and their video technology administrator, Jeff Heath. We are still in the process of improving the visuals - but hey - anything is better than the movie stills with Ken Burns effect.

I will posting these autopsies here as well as on the Film Autopsy blog. Clearly, not all of the movies are relevant for science & religion. So I will post those off-topic autopsies as additions to the regular daily posts. But if you are interested in films, I hope you will enjoy the reviews of films.

The first one is Project Nim. Of course, this movie is relevant to some of the ethical issues we have talked about here on Irtiqa, and I already had a post about the film here. But here is an exchange with Kevin Anderson as part of our new Film Autopsy:

Project Nim Film Autopsy from kevin taylor anderson on Vimeo.


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