Location matters.
The British Council made a terrific decision when they picked Alexandria to hold its conference on Darwin's Living Legacy (also see my posts about the conference here, here, here, here, and here). This initiative has generated a broader conversation about evolution in the Arab and the larger Muslim world. The conference also brought in journalists from all over the world, including Sohail Yusuf (and his cameraman, Tauseef Aleem) from Pakistan. They have done a good job as a 2-person crew in preparing this report about the conference, and it has already aired twice on a Pakistani satellite channel, Metro One. The first part also provides a brief tour of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, where the conference tool place:
and the second part here:
The fact that this aired on a Pakistani television channel twice, again, underscores the variety of reactions to evolution in the Muslim world. I think that Muslims will be okay with evolution as long as it doesn't get lumped with atheism (which it doesn't have to), and its applications to medicine and biotechnology become widely known. Hope to see more efforts like this one.
Related posts:
BBC debate and more pics from the Darwin conference in Alexandria
More thoughts on Darwin conference in Alexandria
Darwin conference in Alexandria - some pics
Darwin in Alexandria I
In Alexandria for Darwin's Living Legacy conference
What is Irtiqa?
Irtiqa is Salman Hameed's blog. A few years ago (before Facebook killed many of the blogs), it used to track stories of science & religion, especially those related to Muslim societies. That is still one of its foci, but now it dovetails more of Salman's interests including film, astronomy, science fiction, and science outreach in both Pakistan and the US.
Irtiqa literally means evolution in Urdu. But it does not imply only biological evolution. Instead, it is an all encompassing word used for evolution of the universe, biological evolution, and also for biological/human development. While it has created confusion in debates over biological evolution in South Asia, it provides a nice integrative name for this blog. For further information, contact Salman Hameed.
The blog banner is designed by Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad. You can find all his creative endeavors at Orangie.

Salman Hameed
Salman is an astronomer and Associate Professor of Integrated Science & Humanities at Hampshire College, Massachusetts. Currently, he is working on understanding the rise of creationism in contemporary Islamic world and how Muslims view the relationship between science & religion. He is also working with historian Tracy Leavelle at Creighton University to analyze reconciliation efforts between astronomers and Native Hawaiians over telescopes on top of sacred Mauna Kea in Hawaii. He teaches “History and Philosophy of Science & Religion” with philosopher Laura Sizer, and “Science in the Islamic World”, both at Hampshire College. Salman and Laura Sizer are also responsible for the ongoing Hampshire College Lecture Series on Science & Religion, and you can find videos of all these lectures below. Contact information here.
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Blog Archive
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- Ramachandran: The neurons that shaped civilization
- Darwin-Alexandria conference coverage on a Pakista...
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- Short clip: Does Morality Need God?
- Call for Papers: Religion - A Human Phenomenon
- Mauna Kea observatories lawsuit dismissed
After seeing the videos please visit
Nice!! Very refreshing to see this kind of coverage from Pakistan!!! Also nice piece from you there in the second clip.
So is there anything specific in Islamic text that points towards evolution or is it absence of it that implies no conflict?
Good to hear from you.
"So is there anything specific in Islamic text that points towards evolution or is it absence of it that implies no conflict?"
Well...it depends on interpretation. There is nothing in the Qur'an that has to contradict. Of course, one can also have an interpretation that is completely incompatible with evolution. The point here is to keep science separate from religion - just like we do for thermodynamics, valence shells for atoms, and for figuring out the way plants pollinate. The change of species over time is an observational fact (just like universe has changed over the last 10 billion years). This is independent of religion. There are many Muslims who find no contradiction with this view - and there are others that are uncomfortable with this idea. But I'm not sure what to do if the theory of gravity starts bugging some people... :)
Simple, they can jump off a roof top and prove it wrong. :-)
After seeing the videos please visit
waiting for your " Deletion"
There Jamhed, that tells the truth of what you're trying to push on us.
By the way Jamhed, why isn't Adnan Oktar winner of the Nobel Prize yet, if he has destroyed evolutionary science?
Arda Simsek.
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