Here is the abstract for his talk and below you will find the full video of his lecture:
Natural & Supernatural: Miracles and the order of nature
In the popular press and daily conversation we often hear events casually described as miracles. This abusive use of the term, however, leads us to forget that the word has a precise and highly-restricted theological meaning that was developed over centuries of scholarly investigation, particularly in the Latin Middle Ages. This lecture illustrates how precise discussions of miracles opened up crucial questions about the way the world works and the way in which human beings are able to study and understand it using the method we now call science. Indeed, several current science/religion issues are illuminated or resolved by a careful consideration of the miracles.
Salman, this is really fantastic stuff - I wish I could be there in person but this is almost as good. Keep it coming!
Thanks and we are hoping to have videos for all 4 lectures this year. I will post them more promptly this time.
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Doug van Orsow
is Scientific At
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he is my organic chem professor. one of the best, if not the best, lecterns ever.
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