by Salman Hameed

Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East
ISSN 1804-3194
What to Submit
Submissions are welcome from scholars in any discipline. Text style follows the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
CyberOrient publishes peer-reviewed articles (5000-8000 words) and book reviews (750+ words).
For articles, please format your submission as follows:
Book reviews will be reviewed by the editor. You may suggest book which you would like to review.
- Cover page with your name, affiliation, address, article title
- Second page with article title, abstract (150-200 words) and three or four key words. Do not put your name on this page or on the pages of the following text.
- Article with references at the end, following the Chicago Manual of Style.
How to Submit
Please submit all materials electronically as attachments. Text should be in Word format, double spaced, in Times font at 12 point. Please do not submit in PDF format.
Photographs and illustrations should be submitted in jpg or gif format with minimum 72 DPI. Send your submission to the editor-in-chief, at and to the managing editor, at You should receive confirmation of your submission by email within a few days.
Peer-review Process
Submitted manuscripts are subjected to initial checks to assess their suitability for review (e.g. completeness). After that, the manuscript proceeds to the reviewers. The double-blind peer review is applied, which means that the reviewers of the paper will not get to know the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) will not get to know the identity of the reviewer. The reviewers comment on the quality of the work, as well as on its originality and its importance. The turn-around time for the peer review process is a maximum of two months.
Permissions and Copyright
The author is responsible for obtaining written permission to use photographs and illustrations not in the public domain. All illustrations should indicate the source and should have captions. Copyright will be held by the American Anthropological Association (AAA).
Call for Papers
Vol. 10, Iss. 2, 2016
Submission deadline: 30 August 2016 (Full Papers)
Call for papers
Editor: Vit Sisler
AimThe aim of the journal is to provide research and theoretical considerations on the representation of Islam and the Middle East, the very areas that used to be styled as an “Orient”, in cyberspace, as well as the impact of the internet and new media in Muslim and Middle Eastern contexts. This issue of CyberOrient aims to bring together the state of the art research dealing with the multifaceted social, cultural, and political aspects of the internet and new media in the Middle East.
Articles should be submitted directly to Vit Sisler ( and Daniel M. Varisco ( Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (including references), and follow the AAA style in referencing and citations. Upon acceptance, articles will be published online with free access in winter 2016.
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